Paul's epic 874 mile walking challenge

Everyone talks about the benefits of walking. The peace and quiet is good for your well-being and you always feel great after a long walk. About 10 years ago, I was having problems with my arms and legs. My joints would stiffen up and I found walking fixed it. I started walking for an hour a day and it just got easier and easier. I still really enjoy walking and I make sure I get my 10,000 steps a day.
Walking from Lands End to John O'Groats is something I've always been interested in. I'd read blogs from people who've done challenges like this and it really inspired me. I wanted to be able to do something that I can look back on and feel proud of. The time is right in my life to do it now. Even though I run the radio station Phoenix FM, I don't need to be there every day and I am able to work remotely.
I am lucky to have travelled across the UK so I have already been to many of the places I will pass through but I have never done it on foot! I thought it would be fun to start south and follow the spring as I head up north with the sun on my back. I'll be walking through lots of English villages and as I go through Scotland, I'll be making my way along the West Highland Way and the Great Glen Way.
I'll also be raising money for Saint Francis Hospice as I go. We've worked closely with the hospice for many years and all the team at Phoenix are huge supporters of the charity. I've also seen the good work it does first-hand as the nurses and everyone at the hospice were very good to my mother in her final months and gave her and my father the support and comfort they needed.
I'm excited and a bit nervous as the start date approaches but I know I'll have great support every step of the way.
A few of my friends will even be joining me for a few days along the route and Bennett's Funeral Directors' has been incredibly generous and will be paying for my accommodation along the way.
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