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Leave a Legacy of Care

Hospice Gifts in Wills can ensure that future generations receive compassionate hospice care.


Leaving a gift in your Will to Saint Francis Hospice is an enduring way to support our work. Your legacy will enable us to continue supporting those we care for, and their loved ones, when they need it most.

Join hundreds of others who have already ensured their legacy of care.

Why leave a gift?

Legacy gifts are essential to our work, funding services for 1 in 5 of those we care for.

By leaving a gift in your Will, you ensure that those who need our support in the future receive the same level of compassionate care that made a difference to loved ones like Irene’s.

Irene's story

Irene Duffett and Jean Keetch (cropped)
Joan with Sharon Williams, complementary therapist

Write your free Will 

Did you know you can write your Will for free through Saint Francis Hospice?

We partner with expert legal professionals to offer this service so you can take care of your loved ones and leave a legacy if you choose. 

Types of gifts


Residuary gifts

A share of your estate after other payments.


Pecuniary gifts

A fixed sum of money.


Specific gifts

Items of value, like property or shares.


We are proud to be part of HospiceUK's legacy campaign. 

Leave a Gift in your Will and help protect hospice care
for all, for now, forever.

Watch the campaign film

Stories of support

Read how generous gifts in Wills have helped transform lives and sustain our care.

Susan Rose and Vera

George and Vera Allman

Gerald and Jillian Evans in Venice

Gerald and Jillian Evans

Christopher Morley

Christopher Morley

Colin Eastwood  picture 1 (cropped)

Colin Eastman

Ronald Freeman

Ronald Freeman

Image of Harry Farrow

Harry William Farrow

Frank Brown

Frank Brown


Looking for something else?

For advice about leaving a legacy, or for more information, click below to submit an enquiry form and a member of our team will be happy to help.