"I jumped through a rainbow to raise money for the Hospice"

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Written by: Jan Hayzelden

Last year Jan fulfilled her dream to do a skydive while raising over £2,000 for patients and families who need hospice care.  This is what Jan has to say about the experience!

I had always wanted to do a skydive. One day I was chatting with Rosie from the fundraising team and she mentioned that she was promoting the skydive. I said, “I would love to do it but I didn’t think I will get enough sponsors.”

Rosie encouraged me to give it a go so I asked a friend to help me set up a Just Giving fundraising page. I set the target at £500 and was flabbergasted when it went over £2,000 with Gift Aid.

I was so excited about doing it. I had no nerves whatsoever and was so disappointed when it had to be cancelled because of the weather.

Even on the day it was to go ahead, I wasn’t nervous during the training or even when the plane was taking off, I was so up for it! It was only when we sat at the edge of the plane to jump out that my stomach started to rumble. I suddenly thought, “I don’t know if I want to do it.” But it was too late to back out and before I knew it, we had jumped! Once we were out of the plane, it was amazing.

The instructor said to me, “See that rainbow, let’s go over there." We actually jumped through a rainbow - It was the best experience ever.

When I stood up my legs were like jelly but the adrenalin was pumping. I would have loved to go back up and do it again!

Why I chose to support the Hospice

My mum had bowel cancer and when I could no longer cope caring for her at home, the Hospice offered her a bed on the ward. The hospice gave me my mum back.

There were nice times and I feel the hospice helped me with that. My mum and I were so close. The best memory I could ever have was at the hospice. My birthday is on 27 March and Mum was not expected to make it. She asked my sister-in-law to get a card and a present for me. The nurses knew what was happening - they had the cake and put the curtains around so we could have a special birthday. Mum gave me a bracelet with Special Daughter on it.

For a week I was able to stay with mum 24/7.  Everyone was so kind and caring.

I have had a lot of support from Sue Spong, who is a counsellor with the Family Support Team.  Sue is amazing and I saw Sue a few times before Mum passed in 2011. Mum said to Sue, “look after my Jan” and Sue has been fulfilling that

obligation. If I was feeling down or needing a rant, Sue is there to listen and support me.

Harvey skydive (cropped)

Take the leap

Jump 10,000 feet out of a plane to raise money for your local Hospice, just like Jan did.

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