A guide to giving the gift of sight

Corneal transplants help to restore the sight of patients across the UK every year and these are only possible through the generosity of people who are willing to donate and help others.
Almost anyone can donate their corneas. Age, poor eyesight or medical conditions, including cancer, are not necessarily a barrier to donation.
Eye donation can help restore sight to people with cornea problems (the clear part of the eye). This may be a result of damage caused by eye disease or injury, or defects from birth. The white part of the eye (the sclera) can be used in operations to rebuild the eye.
Give the gift of sight, like Rosie
Rosie is a patient at the Hospice, who is living with stage 4 lung and bone cancer.
After speaking to Dr Pia about organ donation, Rosie decided that donating her corneas after she dies would be a wonderful way to help someone.
She says, "Personally, coming to the end of this life, to me, is the best gift I could ever leave."