James’ epic ski adventure to beat a world record and raise £15,000 for charity

James Dick set out to break a world record by skiing in 30 countries in 30 days. His adventure didn't go according to plan and he had to overcome lots of challenges along the way, including a volcanic eruption in Iceland.
Despite all this, James completed his challenge ahead of schedule, when he skied in Inverness, Scotland on day 27! He is now awaiting confirmation that his efforts have earned him a place in the World Guinness Records book.
His story was reported on by media across the country and he was also on TV in Sweden, Bosnia and Croatia. And on 29th January, James was interviewed on ITV Evening News.
In December James and his wife Jo visited the hospice to share why he was combining his love of skiing and travel with his motivation to fundraise for patient care. Here is what James had to say:
I’m a passionate skier on a mission to make a difference and this January I’ll be challenging myself to ski in 30 countries in 30 days.
I’ll be covering over 12, 000 km as I travel from country to country in a camper van. It’s an adrenaline-fueled race against time as I push my limits to inspire change and hope.
I’ve set myself a fundraising target of £15,000 so I can help two very special charities ??" Saint Francis Hospice and The National Brain Appeal.
This challenge is in memory of my mother-in-law
I visited Saint Francis Hospice with my wife Jo on Monday 18th December to meet with the care and fundraising team before I set off on my adventure which started in Spain/Andorra on 2nd January.
The hospice cared for my mother-in-law Sharon Hewett around 12 years ago and she was in the best place she could be at that time.
It is such an amazing charity, and we were so grateful for the care and support it gave our family in some of the most difficult times.
Setting a new world record
I will also be going for a Guinness World Record title. The current record is 17 countries, so I hope to break the record in Bulgaria.
The idea behind it all was a culmination of many things. I love skiing and I love to travel. We live in Hong Kong and for two and a half years, we were in lockdown and couldn’t leave.
We are a very active family and one day our sons asked if I was in the Guinness World Records book. This sowed the seed. I have always wanted to travel to every country in the world and for this challenge, I’ll be travelling to the most countries with snow.
But the biggest motivation by far is to raise as much money so my two chosen charities can continue their fantastic work making an impact where it's needed most.
I’ll be sharing my story on Instagram as I go so, I hope people will follow me on my journey as I share real-time updates, photos and videos.
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Fundraise your way
Could you set yourself an epic challenge in 2024 to help support the hospice for another 40 years? You don't have to set a world record to help people in our care, check out our events calendar to see what's on!