Gemma finds her unique style in our charity shops

Wherever she goes, Gemma is complimented on her Dita Von Teese inspired style. But the source of her beautiful garments isn't the couture outlets of London and Paris - she finds her clothes in our humble charity shops!
Gemma explains, "when I was young, my mum would take me to charity shops and at that time it was all about Adidas and Reebok. Designer names like that just were not a priority for my parents with four of us and I used to be so embarrassed about going in.
"But when I turned 14 I found my own style. Suddenly the charity shops were a haven of unusual clothes which was great as the aim was to not look like everyone else!
Gemma has seen the way charity shops and people's attitudes towards them have changed over the years. She says, "charity shops are not just about finding bargains anymore. They are for younger people who are really conscious about buying sustainable items and of course vintage has become very popular."
“I think style and looking good has no age, shape, size or ethnicity. Clothing is meant to make you happy and when you find the perfect piece for you that confidence makes you glow. It gives you that Je n’sais quoi.
Gemma's tips for shopping second hand
"My tip is to definitely find your own individual style. I have got better at looking at things on a hanger and I know straight away whether the cut and structure will work for my body shape. Things can look awful on a hanger but once it is on they come to life.
"Textiles are important too. Cheap materials do not hang well which is why I like older garments as you can just feel the quality. If you do your upkeep and look after your clothing properly such pieces last long beyond the fast fashion that most people buy today.
"I also keep an eye out for St Michaels which is the earlier version of M&S clothing. The vintage size 12 equates to a UK size 8 now so it also helps to get to know not only the brands but your own measurements and the older way clothing sizes were calculated but I always take a tape measure with me so I can double check for myself.”
"But building a wonderful wardrobe involves patience and dedication, plenty of shopping around, visiting charity shops in new places and being prepared to make mistakes sometimes. It’s a treasure hunt made more fun by the fact that the stock in charity shops is always changing. Just follow the golden rule that everything you buy should be something you love.”
Gemma's favourite finds
Gemma recently visited our Brentwood store after it opened. She says, “There was the most beautiful evening blouse with this statement sash that draped from the shoulder in a size 14. It was cream and silk and only £7. I have worn it and absolutely love it. People are amazed when I reveal where it came from and what it cost."
"Another great find came that from the Saint Francis Hospice shop in Harold Hill was a Frank Usher velvet dress with ruffling on the sleeves for just £8. I have quite a classic hour glass shape so I knew I might need to add a couple of darts to nip in the waist but I just knew that it would work and it really does."
Thank you Gemma for supporting us and sharing your amazing style with us!
Click here to follow Gemma on instagram and keep up with her latest unique finds.
With thanks to Discover Brentwood for producing this content.
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