Saint Francis Hospice Organisational Strategy 23-25

Saint Francis Hospice Strategy 23-25
Keeping Agile, Effective and Resilient
Saint Francis Hospice is the main local provider of hospice care. The hospice has 18 specialist palliative care inpatient beds. It also has an active outpatient/day therapy service which provides one to one clinical/therapies appointments as well as group wellbeing activities. These services are for anyone affected by advanced, progressive disease living in any/all of our Trust boroughs as shown on our map at the back of this document. All areas are also covered by our hospice Specialist Advice Line at night, and by our Hospice at Home team; a team particularly supporting family/friend, district nurses and carers in the last few weeks of life.
The hospice is also the provider of specialist community and crisis support to people at home/in care homes in Barking & Dagenham, Havering and South West Essex, via a nurse led Specialist team. In Redbridge that community specialist support is provided by the NHS and other care partners.
Partnerships between our local Hospital Trusts and the hospice are well established including in the areas of end of life care services, education, out of hours consultant cover, shared cover for senior doctors between hospice and hospital and widening access to specialist palliative care services.
Our care strategy focuses on meeting growing demand whilst still delivering care tailored to each individual. It also includes an emphasis on the teaching, training and support of family, friends and our health and care partners and providers.