Volunteering gives me the flexibility I need

Grandmother Kerry-Anne James has been living with fibromyalgia since 2005. Her condition has left her unable to work but volunteering at Saint Francis Hospice’s general shop in Harold Hill has helped her to cope with the constant pain in her body.
I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 19 years ago and I suffer from chronic pain. My condition is getting progressively worse, and it means I have to spend a lot of time in bed.
I used to shop in the Saint Francis Hospice charity shop in Harold Hill so deciding to volunteer was a no-brainer for me. It has given me a good focus and stops me from dwelling on my pain and ailments.
I do lots of tasks in the shop from sorting out clothes and pricing to serving on the till but the best part about my role is talking to the customers.
I’ve learned a lot about the hospice through customers and a member of our team was cared for on the ward.
I'm part of a fantastic team
Volunteering for a local charity gives me a warm glow - I know exactly where the money that is raised through donations is going, and that it is helping so many people.
When I go home at the end of the day, I am exhausted, but I feel I have achieved something that I wouldn’t get if I was working. I also get the flexibility I need. Katy Chambers, the shop’s manager, is so understanding if I am too unwell to come in so I never feel under pressure. She is amazing and I always know that I can go to her for support if I need it.
Being part of a fantastic team really does motivate me too and we all give each other a boost.
Volunteer at a shop
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