Using reflexology to make a difference in people's lives

Reflexology is one of the complementary health therapies offered to patients and their carers at Saint Francis Hospice. Here Complementary Therapist Sharon Williams tells us why reflexology can be effective in promoting deep relaxation and well-being to people who are seriously ill or feeling stressed and anxious.
Reflexology is based on the theory that different points on the feet, hands, face, and ears correspond with different areas of the body.
A reflexologist will gently work over these areas to help improve health problems by ‘rebalancing’ the body and mind.
Benefits of regular reflexology treatments include, improved nerve function, increased energy levels, improved circulation, reduced frequency of headaches and elimination of toxins.
At Saint Francis Hospice, we know reflexology can also relieve certain symptoms such as pain, anxiety, constipation, nausea and insomnia can become exacerbated when someone is uptight and stressed.
When someone has these symptoms, of course they can be prescribed a suitable medication for it. However, if that person has heightened anxiety for example, it can reduce the effect of the medication they have been prescribed.
By offering our patients regular reflexology treatments, they may gradually feel more relaxed. This can then result in improvement of symptoms caused by illness, chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatment, by enhancing the effect of any prescribed medication, thus leading to an improvement in overall well-being.
The overall environment helps with the relaxation process too. We have a complementary therapy room with a comfortable couch, relaxing sounds in the background, soft towels, fluffy blankets and lovely aromatherapy blends to maximise the relaxation experience. This provides a place where patients and carers can come away from the ward to enjoy their treatment. If the patient is not able to do this, we can still provide the treatment in their bedspace.
One of our outpatients reported having lost sensation to his feet and toes. After the first treatment he noticed a slight improvement. The second treatment showed even more improvement. This continued after each treatment he had, and by the fourth and final treatment he reported having the feeling back to a much more normal level. This was because the reflexology helped to improve the blood circulation, which in turn led to less aches and pains, improved sleep and a positive effect on his general well-being.
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