Sue's fabulous 2019 London Marathon achievement

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Written by: Sue Spong
Well, the LONDON MARATHON was wonderful and I completed it in 3;52;59.     

The week before I had a stinking cold so making the start line was a huge relief.  

The race itself went to plan, the first 10 miles like a blur and bang on pace, up to 20 I was still running well, could just feel the fatigue and miles 21-26 were pretty special.    

At 23 miles I saw the Hospice support.....WOW what a sight for sore legs....I am sure this carried me to the finish, their smiles, cheers and good wishes made for an emotional run for home.  

Thank you SFH, you know how to do cheering, supporting and noise!  

If you would like to donate it's not too late...just click here     

Now, if you are thinking of running next year, do run for our Hospice, you will be supported through your training and beyond.     

My previous blogs have focused on members of the family support team. To conclude my 2019 marathon journey, I want to bring the remaining members to you.  

Tricia has been doing our assessments for counselling for 5 years. 

She started as a volunteer and is a valued member of a very busy service. IMG_6305 (1) (cropped)

She also co facilitates the Walking group (1st Wednesday of the month 9;45 on the Green).  

Briony, is a social worker and counsellor who offers emotional support, benefits information and much much more.

She has recently facilitated a music group with patients where she played her guitar....this was an amazing group using the power of music. 

Briony also attends the Walking group.     

Our children and family therapists Stella, Emily & Nina are a wonderful team of caring therapists, visiting children in schools, at home or in the Hospice, offering pre and post bereavement support.

What a difference they make to all our young people.     

Our manager Shahina is due back after maternity leave very soon.

As a Psychologist she works with patients and families pre and post bereavement. 
She has a wealth of experience and of course keeps us all in check!    

Lastly, thank you once again if you have donated, thank you for all your support over the last 4 months of training.

I think you will agree that the work of the Family Support Service is worth writing about and very special!
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