Football's off/fundraising's on

Afternoons down the pub tickets and travel to the match and that's before the kids have twisted your arm into buying them drinks, hot dogs, sweets and souvenirs at the ground. It all adds up.
Saint Francis Hospice Patrons Sir Trevor and Lady Hilkka Brooking are appealing for you to do something incredible with the money you're saving from this barren spell of football. You can sponsor one of our nurses from as little as £3 a month that's less than one pint of beer while watching the game.
"Our Hospice does tremendous work for people who need us at a desperate time of their life," said Lady Hilkka. "We need to find £8.5m a year to survive, but our income has taken a real hit from the coronavirus pandemic. But, everyone can still help us reach us that fundraising target."
"The more you can help our nurses, the more pressure they can take off the NHS," Sir Trevor added.
Sir Trevor is first to admit that he was never blessed with blistering pace during his footballing heyday. His West Ham teammates even nicknamed him 'Boog' after Boog Powell a slow-footed but gifted baseballer they had watched during a tour of the United States.
What Sir Trevor lacked in speed, he made up for with technical prowess and his unique ability to read the game. Although there's one thing about the game that even the legendary Sir Trevor can't read: when it will return.
"Our concern right now is everyone's health," said the former midfield general. "Football isn't a priority at the moment and rightly so. If the season can't be finished before 30th June, then I think it would have to be declared null and void. If the season goes on beyond that contractually and legally it would be a minefield."
Sir Trevor doesn't envy those who have to make the big decisions about the status of the 2019/20 season. He cited season tickets, kit manufacturers, sponsorship deals, players out of contract, and their fitness, as huge dilemmas.
He admitted that whichever decision is taken, it won't please everyone:
"The situation would be desperate for Liverpool, who are so far in front, and the Championship clubs set to earn millions through promotion. Nobody knows as much about the coronavirus as we'd hoped. It may change the face of football."
Sir Trevor pleaded for everyone "to keep your heads up" something we're sure he must have bellowed countless times as he rallied his claret and blue troops through the years.
Our nurses are determined to halt spread of COVID-19 while continuing to deliver outstanding care with love, understanding and dignity. You can find out more about how you can help them here.