Saint Francis Hospice: powered by you and I

We're the Hospice that serves the communities of Havering, Brentwood, Redbridge, West Essex, and Barking and Dagenham.
This year, Hospice Care Week starts on 7th October. During this celebratory week, we will be dispelling myths, sharing stories, and highlighting why your support is so vital now and in the future.
It takes over 250 staff, more than 800 volunteers, and £7.8m a year for our Hospice to keep going. Our volunteers collectively give up 265,000 hours of their time each year, saving us £1.5m over 12 months. We aspire to have 1,000 of them by 2020.
The government provides only 27% of our total running costs, so we rely heavily on everyone out there to keep the money rolling in. Our care is free to receive, but it's not cheap to provide.
We don't only provide care for people living with life-limiting illnesses, but everyone around them offering bereavement therapy for families often young children who have lost a parent.
Our Hospice is an extraordinary place that's very much about living rather than dying contrary to popular belief.
Join us this October in showing what it takes to ensure our Hospice survives.
This is Hospice Care Week; This Is What It Takes.