Patients enjoy a trip to see Christmas lights in London

Patients and families at Saint Francis Hospice had the most wonderful festive experience when they were taken to London to see the Christmas lights.
On Saturday and Sunday (10th and 11th December), the hospice teamed up with the charity ACROSS which provided a jumbulance, a bus adapted for people who need nursing and medical care, so patients from the ward could travel in comfort and safety with their loved ones beside them.
Doctors, nurses, health care assistants and volunteers from the hospice were on hand to care for patients and serve mince pies and mulled wine. And the charity’s fundraiser Andy Furneaux played Christmas tunes!
Very special anniversary celebrations
“It was magic and an experience I will never forget,” said Marilyn, who is due to return home this week.
“My husband John was with me and we were celebrating our 30th anniversary together.
“I was so surprised to be asked if I wanted to go and even more surprised when I saw the jumbulance. It catered for everyone and had everything you could need.
“I was sitting at the front and I had the most amazing view. I have never been to London to see the lights before so it was even more special for me and it wouldn’t have been the same if John hadn’t been there with me to enjoy it.”
John and Marylin celebrate their anniversary onboard the jumbulance
Paul took a trip down memory lane
Paul, who is being cared for on the ward, said, “It was fantastic. I come from the West End and I met my wife when she worked at Marks & Spencer in Oxford Street so it was a real trip down memory lane for me.
“I really loved going past Hyde Park, Buckingham Palace, Park Lane, The Mall and so many famous landmarks.”
Paul with HCA Emma Brown as the jumbulance travelled down Southbank
June and her friend enjoyed the sights with a cup of mulled wine
June, a former hospice volunteer who returned home (Tuesday 13 December) after a short stay on the ward, said, “It was wonderful being with everyone.
“My friend came with me and we had so much fun. The lovely doctors and nurses never stopped feeding us mulled wine and mince pies. I loved every minute of it.”
June was an Orangeline volunteer and patient at the Hospice
Making new memories while in our care
The trip was organised by Dr Gemma Constable from Saint Francis Hospice.
“It was a privilege to share the experience with the patients and a joy to witness so much happiness, love and care between patients, their families and staff, the spirit of Christmas present in abundance,” said Dr Gemma.
“Having travelled on a jumbulance many times before (last travelling in August to Lourdes with the charity ACROSS as the group medic) I have seen what opportunities it can open up for people who are facing so many limitations and challenges in their illnesses.
“It was this opportunity to travel, to have new experiences, see new things, meet new people and make new memories that I wanted to be able to find a way to give this opportunity to our patients at the hospice.
“This felt especially important at Christmas time, for patients to be part of the magic of Christmas and to share special times with family.
“The idea was met with great enthusiasm and positivity by all my colleagues who ran with the idea and made it happen.
“Thank you to those who sponsored the event, and everyone who gave up their time to volunteer.”
Thank you to everyone who sponsored the event
A very special thank you to the following people who sponsored the event and made donations to cover the £1,250 cost to make it happen: Paul Gifford (Paul G Plumbing) Graham Harvey (Graham Harvey Gas Plumbing Heating) Martin Block (MB Glass) Mark Baiden (Integrity) Craig Wilson (Brook Street Body & Paint) and Andy Furneaux.