Moving amid the lockdown

Pre-pandemic, our outpatients would enjoy anything from live music and beauty treatments to getting their hair cut and putting the world to rights over a cup of tea. Something they also reaped the rewards of was physiotherapy.
In March, we took the difficult decision to temporarily close Pemberton Place until it's safe to welcome people with underlying health conditions back to our Hospice. What we didn't want to do is cut off that contact completely.
We've continued to help our outpatients, both physically and psychologically, through regular phone support. Our Physiotherapy team also got together to make some short films which you can watch below.
These gentle, seated exercise routines are for anyone who is moving around less with social distancing and the lockdown in force. The clips have also lifted our patients' morale by seeing some familiar friendly faces from our team.
If you or anyone you know has been sitting down for long periods, then these exercises are great for encouraging movement once again. We hope they put some smiles on faces and would love to watch your videos of people doing our exercises if you tag us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!