Jan Scott - My Sky Dive Story

Jan Scott, a dedicated member of the Saint Francis Hospice team, recently took on a thrilling skydive to raise funds for Saint Francis Hospice! Inspired by the care her mother received at the hospice, hear why Jan decided to fundraise in this extraordinary way.
"Many of you will know my Mum Grace. Grace was a reception volunteer until the age of 91, and only stopped coming as she finally gave up driving."
"In late April this year, together with my 2 daughters, we took Mum to Spain on holiday, and we are so glad we did because just a few weeks later she became very unwell and was admitted into Queens Hospital. 2 weeks later she was admitted onto our Ward where she stayed for 2 weeks until she died on the 6th July. I used to laugh with her that if we got short staffed in reception, we would be wheeling her out there to do the job she loved. The care my Mum received was outstanding, the love and care she experienced enabled her to die peacefully in her sleep. My family and I will be forever grateful to everyone that cared for her."
"So, it got me thinking, what can I do to repay a little of the care and support we received, I know, I’ll do a sky dive!!!! With great help from fundraising, I got booked in and created my JustGiving page. The day came, so very early in the morning I made my way to Maidstone, the sun was shining, the roads were empty, so everything was on my side. It was first come first served so I was determined to get there at the crack of dawn so that I would be in the first group to go up. Following the pre sky dive preparation for safety, my instructor Giuseppe and my camera man Jack were ready to go. Was I scared, yes of course, but I became a swan, calmly getting on with it, but paddling like crazy to get the job done, deep breathing helped as well."
"The video will tell the story, so please watch on the link below, but I will tell you that the initial ‘free fall’ before your parachute is released was the most surreal experience, deathly quiet and with the view of the beautiful Kent countryside surrounding me. Once I landed, I became very emotional, as did my daughters who were waiting in the wings, but I did it for my Mum; would I do it again, yes in a heartbeat, but I won’t, it would dilute the experience for me which I will treasure always."
Click here to donate to Jan’s Justgiving Page.