Hospice thanks volunteers who give their time, skills and expertise

While the usual Volunteers' Week celebrations may be on hold, Saint Francis Hospice is taking the opportunity during 1-6 June to say thank you to its 1,000 plus volunteers who give more than 265,000 hours a year to help people who are seriously ill and need our care and support services.
The Hospice has also received an incredible response from the local community with people currently furloughed reaching out to offer their time, skills and expertise to support the charity and stand in for many of its regular volunteers who have had to self-isolate for different reasons.
"Saint Francis Hospice is so fortunate in having not only its regular volunteers helping still or waiting eagerly to return to their volunteering duties, but in also having the brilliant help of the community during these difficult months," said Voluntary Services Manager, Gill Wendelken.
"So many wonderful local people give their time, skills and experience, to help our patients, families and carers in a variety of ways.
"Our volunteers play such a vital and important role in everything the hospice does for the community.
"Whether in normal times, or during Covid-19, our Hospice could not operate to the level it does, without the help of so many people supporting our services.
"And we look forward to when we are able to fully operate again as there are new volunteering opportunities to enable even more people to join us!"
If you could spare a few hours or more and would like to volunteer for Saint Francis Hospice, please visit our website: www.sfh.org.uk; call 01708 758614 or email volunteering@sfh.org.uk