Hospice nurse goes extra 26.2 miles

Poppy and Sue full length shot (cropped)
Written by: Anita McCarthy

But Poppy, 24, is a staff nurse on our inpatient unit and she knows that every step she takes will be raising vital funds and awareness of our specialist services available to patients and their families.      Poppy and Sue full length shot (cropped)

"I have always wanted to run the London Marathon and since I started working at the Hospice last year, I have wanted to do it for the charity," said Poppy.    

"I grew up on the Isle of Dogs and it was a tradition every marathon day to have a street party and cheer on the runners."     

Poppy, who joined the Hospice team last May, says her role is extremely rewarding and it has changed her view about end of life care.     

"What surprised me most was how happy the Hospice is," said Poppy.    

"It is so nice to be able to spend time with patients and their families and to see many patients get their symptoms under control after a stay on the ward so they can return home.     

"And it's wonderful to work with such a supportive team who will do anything they can to fulfil a patient's wish."    

Training has been tough in the icy weather and she's suffered a few blisters but Poppy has already completed a 10-mile run and has found a great way to get motivated!    

"If I am on a run and I am struggling, I think of a patient on the ward and it helps me to run for longer," said Poppy.     

"I am very nervous about race day but I'm really looking forward to seeing my friends and family as I pass by and to getting my medal at the end." 

To sponsor Poppy visit https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Poppy-Turner-Ellis 

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