Molly's golden locks

In February, 10-year-old Molly aspired to do something to help children and young people living with cancer. She also wanted to thank Saint Francis Hospice for caring for her Grandad John and Great Nanny Mary.
Molly's mum, Jo, remembers how something changed in John and Mary when they arrived at our Hospice, having both been diagnosed with cancer.
"It was miraculous," she recalled. "For the first time in months, they were sitting up, eating well, and chatting away with smiles on their faces. The Hospice cared for my whole family. The nurses made us feel that we weren't outstaying our welcome even long after both had passed."
Molly donated 20 inches of her hair to the Little Princess Trust a charity that provides free real-hair wigs to children and young people who have lost their hair through cancer treatment.
"My hair was very long, and I know that children can lose their hair when they have cancer," Molly explained.
"Mine will grow back, but theirs might not because they are getting treatment. I wanted to raise money for Saint Francis Hospice for all the good things they do for people who aren't very well.
"I did it for Grandad John and Nanny Mary. I know that everyone who has passed away will be looking down on me and saying it's good to help people."
Through asking her friends at St. Ursula's Catholic Junior School in Romford to sponsor her, Molly raised over £600 for our Hospice.
"I hope the Hospice can buy some plants for the garden, and some beds and medicine for the patients," she revealed.
Molly's eight-year-old sister Rosie is very proud of her big sister.
"The wigs will make the children feel better," Rosie said beaming with pride.
We haven't seen the end of Molly's kindness and generosity:
"I'm going to grow my hair and do it all again," she declared.
Thank you, Molly! The money you raised will pay for a person to receive care on our ward for 24 hours.
With only 27% of our total running costs coming from the government, we rely on people like young Molly to help us find £21,000 a day, which is what it takes to keep our doors open.
If you have a fundraising idea for our Hospice no matter how small then we'd love to hear from you on 01708 753319 or at