Family's care inspires corporate support

NC Range in Gidea Park specialise in facilities and construction but over the past three years, it has been building strong links with Saint Francis Hospice to help patients and families who need its care and support, just as members of their family have done.
In March, Billy Richardson, who runs the company, visited the hospice with his mum Kim, cousin Danielle Nokes and Catherine Bishop, who are all part of the team.
Here Danielle shares how the charity has a very special place in their hearts after it cared for Kim’s parents and her grandparents, Mary and Dave Nokes.
Dave and Mary Nokes
My nan Mary was a volunteer at the Saint Francis Hospice shop in Elm Park for over 20 years. She absolutely loved it and it done her the world of good to get out and meet people.
She was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2016 and when she was referred to the hospice for symptom and pain management, she was scared to go. Jenni, one of the hospice’s community nurses, persuaded her to go and she was very glad she did.
Caring for my grandparents until the end
Nan was very sociable and she even made friends on the ward. She loved the drinks trolley that came around in the evening and she would enjoy a vodka and coke. When she came home, she couldn’t stop talking about what a nice time she had.
The hospice also gave her equipment so she could manage safely and she was even given a wheelchair in case she wanted to go out.
Mary and Dave (centre) surrounded by all their family
It was her wish to pass away at home with her family around her and the Hospice at Home team was there to care for her and our family when she died in 2017.
When my grandad became ill and was diagnosed with prostate cancer a few years later, we knew what care and support was available. The nurses came to visit him at home and the Hospice at Home team was also there to support us all when he passed away in 2020.
Our pledge to give back
Nan would be so proud that we are continuing to support Saint Francis Hospice, just as she did.
Billy, Kim, Danielle and Catherine with community nurse, Jenni, centre, who persuaded Mary to go to the Hospice when she became unwell.
Last year, many of the team attended the hospice’s Big Heart Ball and they all had an amazing evening. We’ve got quite a lot planned for this year and we’re excited to be getting more involved. We really feel it is our chance to give back to the hospice after all the help it has given our family.
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