Digital ways to fundraise and remember loved ones

Katharine Ayres
Written by: Katharine Ayres

I joined the Hospice two years ago as part of the team responsible for letting our supporters know about our fundraising appeals and how making a regular donation really helps the Hospice to plan for the future with more certainty.

When lockdown started towards the end of March we weren't sure how our appeals would be received during what was and still is such a difficult time for so many. We started an urgent appeal to support our nurses and I'm pleased to say that the local community really got behind us and has shown incredible generosity. We are truly grateful for how our supporters have helped us to continue to support local families in our care.

The restrictions this year, which sadly as we know have included the number of people able to attend funerals, have meant that many have turned to remembering family and friends in different ways.

Our team also looks after supporters who give in memory of their loved ones and we have seen a big rise in people setting up Tribute Funds - our online tributes where loved ones can be remembered with thoughts, dedications and photographs. Families and friends find great comfort in these tributes which can form a lasting legacy to the person they have lost.

Our Memory Tree continues to be popular too with many choosing to dedicate an engraved leaf in tribute on our beautiful tree sculpture which occupies a prime position in the hospice.

One of the appeals we were initially unsure would go ahead as planned was Light Up A Life our popular annual Christmas remembrance service. We weren't sure if the service could still happen with restrictions and social distancing in place.


We're pleased to say that the appeal will still go ahead this year, although it will look a little different. Supporters can still remember their loved ones and send in dedications or light a star in our online Night Sky and although we can't hold our usual service, we're going to be holding a virtual service online on Sunday 6th December.


It will be even more poignant this year with all of the turmoil everyone has been through and we hope that many local people will be able to join us to remember their loved ones whether they have received care from our hospice or not.


For more information, you can visit www/

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