COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Update 17th March 2020

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At Saint Francis Hospice we care for people with life-limiting illness so it is important that we take all reasonable steps to protect the well being of those using our services, as well as those working and volunteering for the Hospice. This is particularly relevant during the current outbreak of Coronavirus in the UK.


Saint Francis Hospice would like to reassure patients, families, friends and supporters that we are working on business continuity plans to ensure that the Hospice remains open. We will continue to monitor the situation and follow the latest published advice.


Do you have any of these symptoms?

  • a high temperature - you feel hot to touch on your chest or back
  • a new, continuous cough - this means you've started coughing repeatedly

If yes, please don't visit, stay indoors and follow government advice.


Hospice service update

Emergency service plans are now underway. Sadly today the follow decisions have been made. From Wednesday 18th March we will continue essential clinical services but will be temporarily ceasing non-essential services, which include all group activities and therapies: 

  • Pemberton Place (our day therapy centre) is closed from Wednesday 18th March as a venue for social groups and all therapy led groups.
  • Pemberton Place and OrangeLine (our support helpline) teams will support those groups who would have attended social groups and clinics via telephone.
  • Outpatient appointments on site will stop from Wednesday 18th March.
  • Bereavement counsellors will keep in contact and offer telephone support where possible.
  • OT, Physio, Therapies and Social Workers will prepare clients to expect diminished / suspended home visit support. Teams will provide advice on contact and coping strategies, provide equipment and training where necessary.
  • Family Support Services groups are cancelled until further notice. The following cancelled groups include: Walk on group - first Wednesday of the month, Bereavement group - fourth Wednesday of the month, Young adult group - third Wednesday of the month.

Hospice at Home and Specialist Community & Crisis Support (SCCS) services remain business as usual but we anticipate this changing soon. A member of the staff will be in contact soon if you are currently using these services. 

Visiting the Hospice


At the moment, we are not preventing family and loved ones visiting the ward. However, we may restrict the numbers of visitors should this become necessary. We ask visitors to the ward to be sensible when planning a visit to see their loved one i.e. if they feel unwell not to attend.


We understand that if you will want to be in touch with your loved one, even if you are unwell. Please call us on 01708 753319 so we can arrange a way to make this happen. 


When entering Saint Francis Hospice, please ensure you use the hand sanitiser gel provided at reception and around the Hospice and regularly wash your hands with soap and water.


Please continue to review Public Health England guidance regularly and if you require any further clarification on whether to visit the Hospice please call 01708 753319. 


Thank you for your co-operation

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