Claire's birthday fundraising challenge

There are so many exciting ways to celebrate a birthday. For Claire Elwin, it was taking on the Ride London Essex 100 and cycling past the capital’s iconic sites and into picturesque countryside on Sunday 28th May.
And while Claire will be challenging herself, she has a very personal reason for choosing to fundraise for Saint Francis Hospice. This is her story.
"Growing up in Gidea Park, I always knew about Saint Francis Hospice. Through school and church, we had family friends who needed the services of the hospice when they were poorly and knew they got amazing care.
Volunteering at the hospice
"When my mum Christine retired, she wanted to give something back, so she started volunteering on the reception desk. She roped in Dad, Peter, who volunteered with the fundraising team counting donations.
Peter and Christine Elwin
"Mum volunteered for 16 years, she made close friends, and she loved being able to help those who walked in through the doors. When she was unwell in May 2021, her wish was to receive care at the hospice but sadly she died before she could be moved from hospital.
"We know the hospice relies on donations so as a family we decided to ask for donations instead of flowers at mum’s funeral. My husband was running some marathons that weekend, so he dedicated them to raising money for the hospice. In memory of Mum, we planted a Pemberton rose in the hospice’s beautiful grounds and had a leaf put on the Memory Tree.
"Last year one of my close friends died in a hospice and although it wasn’t Saint Francis Hospice, I saw the amazing care she received in the last 48 hours of her life and gave me a fresh appreciation for the fantastic service that hospices provide.
Taking on RideLondon
"I’m married to a sports fan, and during lockdown we found that cycling was something we could do together (I wouldn’t ever catch him at the speed he runs!). He loves a good challenge and decided to surprise me with something we could do together. He signed us up for the Ride London 100, as my “birthday present” which was the day before.
"I started Sunday with excitement and nerves, we’d been training but 75 miles was our furthest ride. It was amazing, the support was incredible. It was great to see the volunteers at the hospice cheer points who gave us the boost we needed!
"It was such a privilege to take part in events like this and give something small back. I think I’ve got the bug and will be back for more!!"
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