Saint Francis Hospice part of city's prestigious annual charity fundraiser

Written by: Laura Coyle

As a leading global brokerage company, servicing the financial and real estate markets, this year saw the 15th annual BGC Charity Day, where charities and their ambassadors are welcomed onto the trading floors in London, New York and around the world, to raise money for many good causes. Saint Francis Hospice was delighted to be one of the chosen charities, for the second time.

 In character of The Banker, Tom Davis made a trade on behalf of the Hospice

Hospice Patrons Sir Trevor Brooking, Steve Davis and Barry Hearn did an incredible job of representing the Hospice, and this year were accompanied by British actor and comedian Tom Davis.

The men were a real hit on the trading floor - with the company based in Canary Wharf, West Ham legend Sir Trevor was incredibly popular, and he made a few trades on behalf of our Hospice.

 In character of The Banker, Tom Davis made a trade on behalf of the Hospice

The BGC Charity Day was the first activity Tom has carried out for the Hospice and, thanks to his character The Banker, portrayed in The Morgana Show, he proved to be an incredibly popular presence.

Two recipients of support from the Hospice were also able to join in the fun - Murad Farhat is a member of our Young Adults Group, and Maddie Law is receiving bereavement counselling after losing her dad Nick, earlier this year.

Maddie's mum Clair, who also attended, explained: "We lost Nick so suddenly - we only really had three weeks with him after being diagnosed - so it's been an awful time for the whole family. Having the support from Saint Francis Hospice for Maddie and her brother Harry has been incredible. Learning how to live our lives without him is tough but we feel incredibly supported."

Head of Major Gifts for Saint Francis Hospice, Anne Brown said: "This is the second time we have been lucky enough to be involved in BGC's Charity Day. It not only helps to raise much needed funds to allow our Hospice to continue supporting local people at a time in their lives when they really need it, but also helps to raise awareness."

 In character of The Banker, Tom Davis made a trade on behalf of the HospiceDuring his interview with host Jimmy Carr, Steve Davis explained why opportunities such as this initiative mean so much:

"Saint Francis Hospice only get 27% of the funding they need from the government but it costs so much to run, and they do so much for the community. We don't really help people on the way out and people need as much help as they can get."

Although the total amount raised for the Hospice won't be known until early next year, it was without a doubt a day to remember.

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